Monday, March 21, 2022

IDK what to write here but a seventy visited so thats cool - Calarcá, Colombia

HIIIII I'm here again. I know I know, I'm actualy writing more than one week in a row. I'll be waiting for the congrats in the return emails lol. OK so what happend this week. Elder Becerra of the 70 visited our mission this week. It was super cool and I learned a ton. One of my favorite parts was his use of scriptures. He had a scripture for literaly every question. Like for ALL of them. He also gave us a challenge. Durante the three days of the gira, we needed to find 3 new personas y extender 2 fecha. He promised that if we did it, we would see the miracales in our lives. It was amazing what came from it. The last day when everyone was sharing the miricles that happened, he asked us how it all happend. He shared that we always can have miricles in our lives and in our missions. It wasn't his faith that made everything happen. It was ours. That is a very important principle in our lives. The blessings in our lives come acording to our own fe, not the faith of a leader, or of our parents, or leaders. It's our fe. When we really commit and have the fe to act, even when it seems imposible, thats when we can start to see the blessings in our lives. 

En general, the conference was great, even tho we had 12 elders in our house. That was a little packed. Definitly worth it, but lots of people. Pero esta bien because we got all of the extra food that the elders bought and didn't eat :)
Apart from that nothing much happend, after the conference I got sick, I think the fruit guy gave me an old piña. I didn't sleep very well that night and the next day at church I only gave half of my talk because I had to leave really fast. Yep that was fun.
OK times up, adios, hasta luego, chao, nos vemos la próxima semana.

Elder Crenshaw :)

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