Monday, July 11, 2022

Floods and I bought a hammock - Planeta Rica, Colombia

Hola a todos! Espero que todos se encuentren muy bien :) I'm bored and I have time so I might write this email in english and then write it in spanish. I won't say I'll translate it, because it probably won't be exactly the same, or even related to what I said in inglés, but ya fue, no me importa jajaja.

Ok so what did we do this week? We had a pretty normal week in general, we went to Montelibano for pday, ate hamburgers at a member's house, and just walked around the town. The next day we had an intercambio. I went back to Planeta Rica with Elder Ponce and Elder Escalante stayed allá en Libnao with the district leader Elder Jameson. It was a good intercambio, I've only been in Planeta for about 3 weeks and during the intercambio only 2 weeks so we almost got lost twice but somehow we got through lol. The next day the other elders were going to come back to Planeta but on their way they had to pass through a paro or a protest. There were people burning things and blocking the road because they were mad. From what we understand, the peoples were mad because their houses were flooded. Apparently at this time it always rains a lot, they call it "winter" but it's more like a rainy season. ANYWAY, the people always build right next to the river because it's pretty there and it's a bit cheaper. The problem is that every year that area always floods. Every year the people "discover'' that indeed every single year without fail it does in fact flood and that just because they build a house there doesn't mean that the next year will be different. So they get mad, block roads, burn lots of things, and blame the government. 

Someone in church this week talked a little about this situation and how we can relate it to the gospel. At times, in our life, it feels like we are in a flood. But the thing about floods is that you need to prepare for them before the flood gets there, not when the water reaches your knees. If we are strong in the church, serve faithfully in our calling, study the scriptures daily and try to apply them to our lives, pray in family and individually, find ways to serve others, etc.. we can be prepared before the flood comes. At times tho, we can get a bit more relaxed, we can say that we don’t need to read the scriptures today because we already read them yesterday and we don’t have time today. We lose that support and preparacion that we need. You start to relax and start building your house a bit closer to the river, and you don’t notice that the water is starting to rise. Because you were living in the world, you might not even realize that something is wrong, because the world’s standards are different from the standards of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The world will say that it’s normal if a little water seeps in from under the door, and then you realize that you need to change something when the water is already at your head.

OK so what else happened this week?

We extended another baptismal date this week so that's exciting, her name is Keila and her husband gets to baptize her! He got baptized about 8 months ago but she didn't feel ready to get baptized yet. But we have been working with her and now she feels ready! :) 

That's all I have for this week, if I think of anything else important I'll add it next week :) 

OH YA!!!
I bought a hammock :)
Ok that's it.

Elder Crenshaw :)

My attempt at speaking Spanish: I wrote almost all of this and then is got deleted :( so so this is a shorter version because I don't want to write all of that again.

Español: Escribí casi todo esto y luego se borró :( así que esta es una versión más corta porque no quiero escribir todo eso otra vez.  Jaja

Tuvimos una semana normal en general, fuimos a Montelíbano para pday, comimos hamburguesas en la casa de un miembro y pasamos por algunas tiendas el el pueblo.  Al día siguiente tuvimos un intercambio.  Regresé a Planeta Rica con el élder Ponce y el élder Escalante y el élder Jameson se quedaron allá en Líbano.  Fue un buen intercambio, solo he estado en Planeta por 3 semanas y casi nos perdimos dos veces pero todo salió bien jajaja. Al día siguiente los Élderes iban a volver a Planeta pero en el camino tuvieron que pasar por un paro o protesta.  Había gente quemando cosas y arboles y bloqueando el camino porque estaban enojados porque sus casas se inundaron. La gente aquí siempre construye al lado del río porque allí es bonito y es un poco más barato.  El problema es que cada año siemprw se inunda las casas y cada año las personas se enojan. Alguien en la iglesia ayer habló sobre los inundaciones y como son relacionados al evangelio. Sabemos las normas del evangelio y que va a pasar si construimos al lado del "río" pero la tierra es más barata, es bonito al lado del río, y muchas otras personas dicen que es normal. Entonces nos acostumbramos a vivir en el río. Y no entendemos cuando el río comienza a inundar. Decimos que todo está bien y que éste es normal. Y cuando llega a nuestras rodillas no entendemos como todo pasó. Si estamos preparados antes de que las inundaciones llegan, vamos a estar seguros.

Este semana entendemos otra fecha bautismal a Keila. Su esposo va a bautizarle. Él se bautizó hace como 8 meses y está muy emocionado que ella quiere bautizarse también.

Este es todo para hoy, compre una hamaca y probé salchipapa y Salvajada :)

Tengan una buen semana y nos vemos

Elder Crenshaw :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

I have no clue what to put here so here's a carita feliz :) - Planeta Rica, Colombia


I realized that somehow I lost some people in my email list, not sure how but oh well, I think I fixed it all but if you know anyone that wants these random email thingys for some reason write me and I'll add them :)

This week was good, our phone is very broken so no new pictures in the Google photo thingy, our phone weird right now, but that means we're going to get a new one hopefully so at least that's good lol. The zone leaders tried to fix it like three times but each time they try, it messes up the phone more, we don't have a camera because the app got deleted and it won't let us install it again, we don't have maps for the same reason, but at the same time, we can download games, en general, everything that we need is blocked, and everything that we don't need is available. No don't worry, we haven't download any games. 

Ok, what else has happened this week? Oh ya we extended two baptism dates for this month, one for the 16, and one for the 21, yes that is my birthday, no that's not why we set the date that day, but yes it's a cool day to have a baptism :) 

In the coast it is very hot. I know I said that last week, but it's true. This week it ONLY got up to 96 and I literally saw someone with a sweatshirt, I kid you not this guy actually thought it was cold in 96 degree weather. To be fair, that night it cooled down to a balmy 90 so I guess he had a good reason. 
The good thing about hot weather es that costeños have made something called bolis. Bolis are the best. It's kind of a mix between ice cream and a popsicle. From what I understand, they just make some fruit juice in milk, put it in a bag, and freeze it. It is amazing and very cheap. 500 pesos which is like $0.12 USD I've bought way too many this week 😅

Ok, I've forgotten to do these for a while but it's...
Spiritual thought time!!! :)

Like I've forgotten to share something for a few weeks, at times we forget to put God first in our lives, sometimes its small things. Not saying your morning prayers, not reading your scripture one day of the week, at times it can be a bit bigger. Not going to church one week because something else in life seems more interesting, etc. In the Scriptures there are many, many ejemplos of this. One of those examples is in the ven sígueme this week. (Tal vez another one of those things you could remember) I like a lot the story of Elías in 1 Kings 18 if you all ready read come follow me this week you should already know this story, or mabye you already know it, but the people of Israel were having a hard time following one of the commandments, it was a rather large commandment, they were worshipping baal and not God. Long story short, they were having a lot of problems, wanted things to fix themselves, and started searching for other ways, breaking the commandments, to solve their problems. It wasn't that hard because it was already common, but little by little, they fell away. IDK why I'm rambling about this summary bit en fin, Elías tenía fe. He had faith and trusted in the lord to help him. If you find yourself falling away in any manera, look to the Lord and his chosen servents for help. Trust in him, he loves you and wants the best for you.
I love a scripture in Mosíah 4, partially related to this bunch of rambling above:

     6 I say unto you, if ye have come to a knowledge of the goodness of God, and his matchless power, and his wisdom, and his patience, and his long-suffering towards the children of men; and also, the atonement which has been prepared from the foundation of the world, that thereby salvation might come to him that should put his trust in the Lord, and should be diligent in keeping his commandments, and continue in the faith even unto the end of his life, I mean the life of the mortal body—
     7 I say, that this is the man who receiveth salvation, through the atonement which was prepared from the foundation of the world for all mankind, which ever were since the fall of Adam, or who are, or who ever shall be, even unto the end of the world
     8 And this is the means whereby salvation cometh. And there is none other salvation save this which hath been spoken of; neither are there any conditions whereby man can be saved except the conditions which I have told you.
     9 Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.
Read the whole chapter if you want, it's all good, I have to go work now but ya, God loves you.

Elder Crenshaw :)