Monday, April 25, 2022

I remembered to write agian :) - Calarcá, Colombia

OK I'M BACK. As in I'm writing again. Because I remembered again. Yep ok. What happened these last few weeks...

OH ya, I actually do have an excuse for not writing, we didn't have a phone so that was fun. Ok story time, we lost the phone on Monday 3 weeks ago, well, I lost the phone. We were dropping off my companion at the terminal to go to his new area, then Elder Cardozo and I went back to our apartment. In the taxi I had the phone in my pocket, we got to the house, went inside, and I reached into my pocket to find out when I could talk to my family. And the phone wasn't there... mini panic attack there. We looked around the house and it wasn't there so we called it with the phone of the other elders. At first it rang and no one responded, later in the day it was shut down. We called the offices to tell them that we don't have a phone and ya, case in point, no phone. We didn't have a new one for 3 weeks because there was a bunch of problems with sim cards not working and phones being weird, and the mission office being slow. Oh well, we finally got a working phone yesterday. 

Ok so what else happened, we contacted a lot these last few weeks because when you can't confirm appointments people forget. We knocked on literally over a thousand doors, talked to who knows how many people, and shared a lot about our message of hope for the world. In the end, we found lots of new people that want to hear our message. Last week we had 12 new people we are teaching and this week we added 18 more. Almost all of them have heard from the missionaries before or have friends that are members, and almost all of them that have heard from the missionaries lost contact during the pandemic. It was amazing to see los milagros come after we did everything we could. 
This week was super cool for the mission as well, our goal as a mission is to have 100 or more baptisms in a month, I don't know if we'll reach that goal this month but this week the mission had 37 baptisms! One was in our ward, the other set of missionaries baptized Katy on Saturday. Her story is super cool, she found the missionaries through ticktok (i think that's how it's spelled) about 2 years ago. At that time she lived in an area of Colombia named Chocó. The thing is the Chocó area was closed for a long time because it is not the safest area. The last missionaries there were captured and tourtured because some people wanted money and they were dressed nice and gringos. There still aren't any missionaries that live in that area, but two transfers ago, the assistants to the president of the the mission (APs) were assigned to work in that area, 100% online. They found Katy's reference and called her. She had moved to Medellín at this point so the APs passed her to the missionaries here. She has a great testimony. I don't have much time left so I'll end it here, I'll try to sent pictures later if I remember, if not I also might make a google photos album thingy and put photos there.

Elder Crenshaw :)

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