Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Okey dokey, I'm writing again :) - Calarcá, Colombia

 Ok so I'm writing two week in a row, I know, loco, when has that every happened. lol

OK so what happened this week. We had a few intercambios where we are companions with another missionary for a day. Other than that I can't think of much. A pretty normal week overall. BUT this week we are going to have a conference with a member of the 70, Élder Becerra! The whole mission will be coming to Medellin so the apartment will be a little packed. Normaly we have 4 people here. Durring the conference there will be 12 :) Everyone arrives this wednesday so we'll see how that goes. I really cant thing of anything else we did, with my family normalmente hablo sobre mi semana but today we just talked about english grammer so ya. Thats about it, unless you guys want to hear about the subjuntive :)

Ok so this week we've been studying stuff that Elder Becerra sent us to study. The second day of meetings we will be focusing on 3 sets of scriptures. The cool thing about the scriptures is we can relate them to both missionary and members. Your homework is to read them and send me your thoughts. Ill send you mine next week, but trust me. These always have been some of my favorite scriptures, but now they are better. 
Alma 8:18-22, 10:4-12
Alma 19:16-17,28-29
Heleman 5:35-43

Have fun, keep or gain your testimony, see you next week.

Elder Crenshaw  :)

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