Monday, February 27, 2023

Another one of these thingys - Manizales, Colombia

Hey everyone I'm writing an email again, I know, they should give me an award at this point.

This week has been good, honestly all of my mission has been great. It's easily one of the best things that I've done in my life, being born in the family that I'm it is probably the best thing that has happened, but I can't exactly take credit for that one so ya fue jaja.

As I said in the last email, I'm in La Alhambra in Manizales. This is the last week in the transfer and I've been here 6 months already so I'll probably go to another área. I've loved this time in Manizales tho. It's been a challenge for me but I've learned so much. The members here are amazing. There are very little of them, but they are poderosos. We've been trying to help them work with us more and it's cool to see how excited they get when they see how the gospel helps people. 

I already ran out of time so I want to end bearing my testimony about repentance. I've learned soooo much about how it can help us, in my personal experience, and in helping others to repent. Thru repentance we can come to be the people that God wants us to be. Trust In the Lord, let him guide you and help you in your life and miracles WILL happen in your life.

I love the Lord, I love this gospel, and invite everyone to come unto Him.
I'll try to write more next week, I'll make it a priority. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe not because I might be in a bus for 2 days straight without a phone 😬 but I love you guys, and have a good week :D

Elder Crenshaw  :)

Lol I tried recording something instead of writing but it didn't work well. Let's just say I'm still very ADHD. But if you want to laugh at my incompetence, allí está jaja
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Monday, February 20, 2023

Yes yes yes - Manizales, Colombia


I'm writing again por fin, these last couple weeks have been loco but today we don't have much to do so it works out well. Realy not sure when was the last time I wrote, but it was a while ago so just in case I'll give a quick review. I'm still in Manizales in the area La Alhambra. This is my 4th transfer here, My first comp was Elder Prado, then Elder Guzmán for 2 transfers, then he left and I'm here with Elder James. Elder James is de Bolivia. He does pronounce his name like we say it in Inglés but other than that he knows very little english jaja. He came from Planeta Rica which was cool because thats where I was hace poco. Anyway, what's new? Uuuuummmmmmmm no sé. 

Manizales is great but the people are very catholic and don't like to listen about other relegiones. It's helped me find new ways to talk to people and help them gain a testimony of the gospel. It's been amzing to see the diference that the gospel makes in peoples lives tho. This sunday I did a baptisimal interview and the person told me a lot about how much the gospel has helped her and her husband. The gospel applies in every aspect of our lives and it's been the best to see how much it helps the people we teach. She's getting baptized the 25th 🥳

OK, ran out of time becuase we went bowling así que ya fue this one was short but I'll try to send one next week too 😬