Monday, September 27, 2021

Mission email week ¿? - Calarcá, Colombia

 Hi everyone! I realized that this is realy week _____ 1/2 Because i started MTC on a  thursday and my first few emails on wednesday but now pdays are on monday so that changed a bit but also we left for colombia on a tuesday and i didn't write for almost two weeks so ill haved to count. When i send this if the subject and the begining don't have numbers then i forgot to actualy check what week this actualy is. Im sure you can figure it out, I started July 29. Probably. Yep.

Ok so this week was good, we had an intercambio where my companion switched with another elder from a different companion in our district. I only got lost once on the way to the appointments so i'll call that a sucsess lol. Sorry for the infrequent use of this thingy ' it is in a different place on spanish keyboards and is a huge pain to actualy type. We are teaching a couple of families right now and a couple of people with families that aren't interested in the church. Everyone is shorter than me, like a lot shorter. I realized i havent fully goten used to the short doors when i slamed my head into one recently. A lot of canceled apointments this week but we got a good amount of new people too from calling people as well so it was a good week overall. Wow these are random emails lol. It looks a little like a brain dump of five seconds of me thinking. Ok thats it : )
I forgot to take pictures until today so here are a few, hopefuly more next week if i remember.
Elder Crenshaw 

(no pictures attached :-D)

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