Monday, September 20, 2021

Mission Email Week 7 - Calarcá, Colombia

I think this is week seven at least, I didn't actualy check lol, this week was good, I am gettting used to the crazy driving and the short doors, and I am learning spanish pretty fast too. The branch Im in is small but it's hard for me to remember all the names because they are spanish and im not used to that yet.

IDK if I said this in the last email or not but the food here is realy good. they have hot chocolate like every day but it is not always sweet. even when it doesn't have sugar it is still realy good. the other drink that you have if it is not chocolate is panela (i think that is how it is spelled)

We almost had a baptism this week but she decided she wasn't ready for baptism yet which is sad but it is ok. she still wants to have lessons and still believes in the gosple so hopefuly she will change her mind about baptism in the future. :)

the people here are realy nice, they almost always say hello when you walk by in the street and they almost always give you food if you talk to them for any longer than like three minutes. They can get mad if you close the car door to hard tho, in the US I just kindof slam it closed but here if you do anything harder than a soft tap that barely closes the door they will probably get mad at you.

this is a little late so I am gonna end it here but here are some pictures because my mom said that I need to send pictures, more next week, this is just what I could find and what I took after she told me to when I talked to her today :D

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