Monday, October 11, 2021

Mission email week heidogjwysugleebflswjejqlsñddmsñsñsjflfodhshdnfu :) - Calarcá, Colombia

Hi everyone, don't worry I'm still alive, I just forgot to write the email last week. We had problems with the phones and by the time we figured it out I forgot to write :) oops. It's ok tho because I FOUND THE ' KEY ON THE SPANISH KEYBOARD!!! I can write words like I've and I'm and I'll and don't and it's and haven't and all the other words!!! It's where the -_ key is on the english keyboard. the -_ keys are on the ?/ key, the normal ? is shift + -_ and I have no clue where the / key is. :D

also yes ' is different than ´
I'm and Ím
The last two weeks were good, we had a baptism, General Conference, I helped give a blessing to a lady in the ward who has a hurt back, we had a multi zone conference with the other zones in the Eje Cafetero (I think that's how it's spelled) and interveiws with President Florez. Other stuff happened too but those are the highlights. I listened to General Conference in Spanish and I actualy undersood almost all of it! I'm studying the talks again tho because I missed some stuff but ya that was cool. The baptism was great. Jenny is now a member of the Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días 😀
like a lot.
like 100
in the last two weeks
Over half of them were in one day tho because the hermana we gave a blessing to has a huge garden with lots of new plants and flowers. I'm gonna put the best ones in the Google Drive with the pictures because it would be a lot to put them all in the email. I'll put the link to the dive folder at the end of the email tho and if I forget it's in one of the earlier emails too. 
The multi zone conference was good, I got to see some of the other Elders from my MTC district. everyone's spanish is improving and we had cake after the meetings so that was good. The meeting was good to. It's fun to see President Florez talk about missionary work. He gets so exited.
This is the last Pday before transfers so there is a small posibility I won't be able to write next week if either me or Elder Camacho gets transfered. Hopefully that won't happen because I don't know where everything is in my area yet but we'll see.
ok thats it.
I think.



(More pictures of food and plants in Elder Crenshaw's GOOGLE DRIVE ALBUM in the Calarcá folder)

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