Monday, September 13, 2021

Mission Email Week 6 First week in Colombia! - Calarcá, Colombia

Hi everyone! IT's difficult to type on this phone because  it keeps auto correcting to a spanish word or a different word in english so if there are a lot of typos thats why😂 A lot happened this week, it's my first week in Colombia! Meeting all the Elders from my MTC district was great. On the flight to Miami I sat bext to a missionary from another church, it was cool to talk to him about the church. At the end of the flight i offered him a book of mormon but he wouldn't take it, ah well, at least he knows a bit more about the church :D. I was a little worried when we got to Colombia because i forgot to print all of my papers, the coustoms people must have not cared tho because they just asked for my passport and then just let me through when they asked for my other papers and i said i didn't have them with me. After the airport we met the mission president and he took us all to Dominos for pizza. Then we droped off our bags at the mission home and went to sleep at a bunch of different missionary's appartments. Then in the mornning we went back to the mission home and ate breakfast and had our welcome to the mission thingy. We met or saw a video of our companion and found out were our first area was. My companion is Elder Camacho in Carlarca.  Inteeviews with the mission president took all day because there are so many of us. That night we went to another missionary's appartment. I was at that appartment all of the next day with Elder Meeks while the zone leaders were at zone conference. The day after that we were on the bus all day going to our areas with our zone leaders. Im really tall in Colombia so everyone i meet talks a lot about it😀 one cool thing that happened this week was durring lunch. Lunch in Colombia is very big and breakfastand dinner is small. I had trouble eating everything so that lunch i said a prayer asking for help finnishing the food. It felt like my stomach emptied😀 i need to go so i will stop here but God loves all of us and always listens to our prayers.

Love you all, byeee

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