Monday, October 24, 2022

Email time - Manizales, Colombia

Hey everyone, no clue how long it's been but i thought I'd write something really fast. Not sure what I wrote in my last email so if I repeat a couple of things ya fue.

Last time I wrote I was in Planeta Rica (the coast) since then I've been in Medellin and now I'm in Manizales. I was a bit sick in Planeta Rica ( I lost 13 pounds) but I loved the time that I was there. In the end I left at the end of the transfer because the water was making me sick and the health secretary told Prezident Florez :( BUT I went to Medellin so that was cool. I was only there for a week but it was in a great area so it's OK. My area in Medellin was Villa Hermosa, I was in a trio with Elder Ballesteros y Elder Sellán. Both of them are newer in the mission, Elder Ballesteros has 4 1/2 months and Elder Sellán has 2 months. After a week all of the new group of misioneros that got here had to get resigned because there is a problem with the visas in Colombia :( they all left el miércoles and presidente had to do a lot of emergency transfers. I was in a trio so he told us that one of us was going to leave si o si. On Wednesday at like 12:00 ish one of the APs called and said that I would be leaving the next day in the morning, not a surprise because we were in trio, and that I should pack in the night. We went to lunch and the APs called us again and said that there had been a change of plans, and I should come to the offices at 6:00. That was at 2:00. We had to go home and my companions had our appointments virtual while I packed everything. I left for the office at like 5;30 and got to the office in time to see all the new missionaries leaving. Then presidente said that they had trouble finding a buss to Manizales quickly and I could only bring 1 suitcase. So I repacked super rápido and went to sleep so I could leave in the little bus the next day. And now I'm in Manizales :D

I'm out of time so I'll talk more about Manizales and my current area the next email, whenever that happens lol. But I want to end bearing my testimony that I know this church is true. At times life is crazy, but no matter what happens the work is the same. I love it here in the mission, I've learned sooo much about the gospel, about Jesucristo and about myself. I know that Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. He knows us personally and loves us more than we can imagine. Through his atonement we can come to live with our Heavenly Father and become the people that he wants us to be. He has a plan for us. I also know that His church has been restored on the Earth through Joseph Smith, and that today it is lead by Jesus Christ through his Prophets and Apóstoles. I know that the Book of Mormón is true and as a representative of Jesus Christ I invite all to read it. It will bless your life in a way that no other book will. It is the word of God. I have learned of the power of the prayer. The blessing it is to be able to talk to our Father in heaven. I testify that he hears us and that he can and will respond. Go to Him in prayer and let him work miracles in your life. When we have faith in him he will respond. Find the ways that you hear him in your life, search for ways to hear him more clearly and search for the answers to your questions. Read the scriptures, they are the pre-recorded words of God and through them we will come to know our Savior and his love for us. I testify of the power of the atonement in our lives. It is a gift that is freely given to us and it is of greater worth than almost anything else than I can imagine. Use it in your life. Learn to love the blessing of repenting daily. It has blessed my life and it will bless yours too. I know this work is true, I know it with all my heart, and because I know it is true I share it with the world.

Ya nesecito dormir entonces les dejo con eso: )
If you have any questions or just want to send me an email because you're cool feel free. I can't respond until Monday but I can read it any day of the week :)

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