Monday, January 17, 2022

Very short resumen of this week - Calarcá, Colombia

Ok I feel bad that I forgot to write so here's a short summary,
Cambios were pushed back to friday or monday, were then bumped up to wednesday on tuesday half way through the day, I'm still in Calarcá but I have yet another comp, Elder Mendez. He is cool, likes expensive shoes which I don't understand at all pero no importa. We found some new people this week and we have a multi zone conference again this Wednesday. I want more yoyos but that's normal so nothing new there.
Spiritual thought, read your scriptures and sent me your favorite of the week, if it's relate to the topic in the last email, you get stars, if not, posiblemente una check or algo así, todavía no estoy seguro.

Elder Crenshaw :) 

Stars and I forgot to write oops

Marsha Crenshaw Ephesians 1:11  💫🌟

Jeanie Anderson Moses 1:37  🌟✴

Spencer Becker Colossians 1:13-29   💫✨

Because I forgot to write, the stars deadline has been extended until I do, good luck.

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