Monday, January 10, 2022

Almost cambios but then no - Calarcá, Colombia

Hola todos!

Sorry I haven’t written for the last 3 weeks, the schedule has been really weird. For example, in the last 2 weeks I've had 4 companions. Yep 4. Basically My original companion finished his mission the 26 so he's already at his house. Obviously I still need a companion for the last two weeks of the transfer so I stayed with the ZLs for a week and then went back to my area with one of the missionaries from Sevilla (another area in my zone) So my comps the last two weeks were Elder Lucas, Elder Jackson, Elder Peñalosa and Elder Bermejo. It's been good to work in my area again after a week of not being there. Elder Lucas was a really cool companion and I learned a lot from him.

Speaking of new companions, let me explain the weird schedule we've had the last couple of weeks. OK to start off, the last time I wrote was right before Christmas, that was the 20th. We celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas as a zone and Christmas (Sat 25th) was Pday. I didn't write then because I forgot, you are very welcome :) the next Pday wasn't a monday like usual (and like literally every other mission) it was the next Saturday the 1st. We didn't have a group activity that week and had to go to bed at 10:03 (normal bedtime) because one of the zones in Medellin broke a window in one of the apartments of the elders playing futbol (soccer) Christmas and President Florez was mad. :( Instead I was with the zone leaders and we ate some food and ya. I didn't write that week either because I forgot again :) If it makes you feel any better I forgot to write my mission president both of those Pdays too so you guys can't really complain. ANYWAY, after that we didn't have pday Monday the 3rd either because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Don't worry It gets better this week was supposed to be cambios (transfers) but half of the missionaries in Medellin have the new Omicron thingy, including the mission president and his wife, so cambios got delayed by probably a week. We really don't know.

Congrats to Sister Hamilton!!! She started her mission a bit ago in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania! Extra cool because I used to live there :) You're gonna do great :D

Spiritual thought, why are we here? That here could be on this earth, in a town or city, in a ward, branch, family, or whatever. The question has a lot of answers but there's always one in common. We have a Heavenly Father who has a plan for us. He loves us and wants the best for us. When we trust in him, we will always be in the best place, at the right time to do his work. That doesn't just apply to missionary work. That's everyone. At times we can think that that's not true, but it is. Remember that you are here for a reason. I won't give you any scriptures on this because it's your homework. If you find one and send it to me you get a gold star and if you find one that I haven't found yet you get two :) good luck.
I hope you guys are all doing great and you don't have covid, I'll try to remember to write next week, but if you send me scriptures I have to so I can give out gold stars, just saying.
Elder Crenshaw :)

p.s. Example of gold stars 💫🌟✨✴ these could be yours

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