Monday, December 13, 2021

Multi zone stuff and the Trunkanator 9000 - Calarcá, Colombia

Okey dokey peoples, I don't have a ton of time beause it's allready late and ya but this week was good :) we had the mutizone conference with the president this week and the day afterward we had a multi zone pday :D those were both realy cool, aparently in the eje cafetero (where we are) we have almost all the really tall people, I'm tallest in the mission at 2m (6'6-7) but there are three other really tall gringos (6'3+) and another tall latino (6'2) yes of course we made a amazing basketball team lol. In general it was a really good couple of days. We had a gift exchange too, I got alot of candy so I'm happy :)

Ok now the important part, so as I've said, my companion is finishing his mission soon, like realy soon, 13 more days soon. Anyway, he has to do this thing called my plan every week, its kind of like a online class for how to go back to normal life after your mission. It's a really good idea and everything but holy cow is Elder Lucas trunky after he does one of the sections lol. This week was titled something like "Salir con joven atultos de la opuesto sexo, matrimonio, y familias eternas" :) anyway, I've started calling it the trunkanator 9000 ©️ lol.

In other news, there isn't much other news, the rest of the week was pretty normal, just a bit shorter. We found a person realy close to the church, we can literaly see the church durring the lessons in her house. She is a bit older and has really good questions but she dosen't actualy listen to the answers we give so we'll have to work on that.

wow this email is random but oh well, lets make it even more random, here is a hicu, hycoo, hycou, I'm not exactly sure how to spell it but a poem that I made this morning while I was taking a shower:
Yo tengo fria
El agua esta fria
Quiero morir 

We don't have hot water in this appartment, it broke about 3 or 4 months before I got here and for some reason I don't fully understand/would take to long to explain we can't fix it, so I've been taking cold showers for arround 3 1/2 months. It's not that bad but it helps me feel better about it if I complain just a little while I have cold water pouring down on me. :D I thought today's ramdom thoughts were especialy good so I thought I'd share it lol. 

That's all I can think of for now so here's your spiritual thought.
Somone from my home ward sent me a really cool poem this week, (I happened to read it this morning hence my less inspired poem) Unlike my poem this one had an amazing message about the gosple, it's a little long so I'll just summ it up. Someone is in a hole and can't find a way out. They feel hopeless and lost and feel like they can't do anything. Then they hear somone say "Get up! Get ready! There's nothing the matter! Take rocks and take sticks and build up a fine ladder!" The person thought this was a good idea so they started to do it. It was hard and they were very sore but they kept on going because they wanted to get out. Now they had hope. Finaly they ran out of sticks and stones, the ladder was very tall and but they were just a bit short. They went back down and tried their hardest but they couldn't find any else to use but they couldn't do any more. They had done all they could but they were still stuck in the hole. They started to dispair again. Thinking they would die in the hole even after they had done all they could, when they heard a voice saying, "Do not weep... You have worked hard, and your labor's been rough, But the ladder you built is at last tall enough" The person again climed the ladder, but this time there was a rope where the ladder ended. They climed the rope and at the top was the Lord. He fell down and worshiped the Lord, saying, how could I every repay Thee for this? The Lord said "Feed my sheep." and went to save other people. Of course the person went and spread the same message that had given him so much hope when he was about to give up. Calling down the many other holes around him. "Get up! Get ready! There's nothing the matter! Take rocks and take sticks and build up a fine ladder!" I love the last line of this poem, it says:
"So do not lose faith; there is reason to hope:
Just climb up your ladder, He'll throw down his rope"

The Savior is the hope in our lives. We can do all we can but without him we will never be able to do enough, but when we do all we can, he is always ready do throw down his rope. Share the gosple and the hope with others, with your friends, children, spouses, family, every one. At times we all can loose hope, at times we think there's no way out. But with Him, there is always hope. Some times we don't realize that, or sometimes the people we know don't realize that. But if there is one thing I've learned more than any other in my misson so far, it's that there is ALWAYS hope. I need to go to sleep in like two minutes so I'll end here but I still have so much more to say about this topic tho, it's literaly one of the most important things we share as missionaries. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, go to church, and share with others and the you will never run out of hope.

Love you guys
Elder Crenshaw :)

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