Saturday, November 20, 2021

IKD what to put here but we got sick this week so thats a thing - Calarcá, Colombia

Hi everyone! so I don't have a lot of time again but I responded to a lot of people today, went to Finlandia with some of the other people in the district (a touristy place, cool but not quite as good as elder Gomez hyped it up to be) and had a mental debate about whether or not to buy a speaker. Still not sure about the last one but I'm leaning towards no.

As I said in the subject line, we were sick for most of the week. I was only sick for two days, but we're in a trio and we all got sick one after another so it adds up :( we still found some new people tho and were able to teach lessons over WhatsApp. We made and edited a video too. ok yep byee
Elder Crenshaw

lol I forgot the spiritual thought,
one thing ive been learning alot is about how we learn. When we learn, about the gosple and in general, it comes poco a poco. at times we have lots of questions, and want to learn everything at once. or learn faster. Thats not how it allways works tho. one way we can learn faster tho is asking God to help. I've seen this alot in learning Spanish.
the scriptues talk about this alot but here are a few places,
Introduction to the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi 15
Enos 1
Mosiah 4
Alma 14 and 32
Moroni 7 and 10
James 1
and more :)
ok thats it, byee
Elder Crenshaw :)

Doctrine and Covenants 

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