Monday, June 13, 2022

Okey donkey let's write this thingy again - Calarcá, Colombia


Ok so I only have como 10 min to write this so what you get is what you get. These last few weeks were fun, we had a multi zone confrence and I got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. We talked a lot about los mandamientos and how we can help others keep the commandments.
Ok what else has happend this week? We extended a baptism date a una family of 3 and they said yes! It's for the 25 which is after cambios so I might not be their to baptize them but even if I'm not, I'm so exited for them. Speaking of cambios, they are next week so if I don't write anything it s because I'm changing areas or I just forgot agian. :) 
OK I've got to get going because we leave at 7:40 to go the the Piedra del Peñol and Guatapé. It's a tourist site 2 hours from medellin with a giant rock and lots of stairs. I'll put pictures in the google photos thingy when I take them, so look there in the night if you want to see, for now, here is a picture of what it says in the jet album, it's in spanish so if you don't know spanish, bad luck, google it or something.
Spiritual thought, read your patriarcal blessing, if you don't have it, get it, one of the elders in the house es getting his on wednesday which reminded me to pull mine out and read it again. It really is revelaacion for you and a guia in your lives. use it :)
OK bye
Elder Crenshaw :)

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