Monday, May 16, 2022

I ate expensive food for free, also baptisms - Calarcá, Colombia

HI! How are you, I'm doing great, thanks, ok good to know, yep, ok, bye.

No clue why I wrote that but there it is. Ok this week was good, lots of stuff about food, some of the stuff, good, some not as good. For lunch one day, a member gave us fish soup. by fish soup, I literaly mean FISH soup. there were two whole fish in it. they had the bones, skin, teeth, toung, fins, and EYES. Yes, I ate fish eyes. Also there were these weird shrimp looking things with eyes and legs too. I ate thoes also, not a lot of meat and the eyes tasted funny. Pictures below and more in the google photo thingy I sent last week or something. On the good side, this week I ate some expensive food for free. Not sure exactly what it is but a member cooked it for us. It's from Peru and I think it's called lomo salteado. It was pretty good tho. Other cool thing for the people that like avacado, thoes things are huge here. The normal ones are like 5" by 3" and if you look a bit you can find ones a lot bigger. They eat it a lot here.

Juan Pablo and Valeria, the two kids that I talked about got baptized! We convinced the dad that he should baptize his kids because he was kind of scared and feeling bad because he was really inactive in the church for a while. After the baptism he was sooooooo happy tho, he said that he felt the spirit so much and that he hadn't felt the spirit like that in a long time. Now his goal is to go to the temple with his family and be sealed to his wife and 3 kids.

Ok I'm already out of time so I'll just send this here. :)

OH YA! My brother Evan graduated so congrats! Ok ahora si.

Elder Crenshaw :)

cambios ate this week and I stay here with my comp Elder Saenz
Ok bye

Cambios *are* this week

And *I'm staying*
I'm already forgetting english, sorry lol

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