Monday, November 1, 2021

New Companion! - Calarcá, Colombia

 Ok so week we got a new companion! The zone leaders called us in the morning while we were reading the Book of Mormon and asked something about a new companion and we were confused so they hung up and two minutes later the APs called and said that we were getting a new companion latter in the day and we should go to the ZL house after lunch to wait for him. His name is Elder Palacios. So ya now we are in a trio. Ok I don't have a lot of time and I'm sorry to all the people that Emailed me the last two weeks, I totaly forgot to do email stuff this morning because we were at a realy fun park with some of the members, I apreaciate your email and I promise I will probably remember to respond next week lol. Actualy tho, I read them all and I realy do apreciate them :)

OK so I taught people how to make "American" (Chocolate Chip) cookies this week. I couldn't find all of the ingredients and the oven was dificult to say the least but they liked them so that was a win. We also asked a person we're teaching to be baptized! If everything goes to plan that will happen the end of November :). 
Halloween was fun, we went to church, went to Victor's house , taught a lesson, asked him to be baptized, and then went back to our apartment by 4 because President Florez said that everyone had to be back to the house by then, I read the second half of Saints, (realy good book about church history) and we orderd pizza because why not we have an exuse.
OK short spiritual thought, as I said I read Saints this week and I've been thinking about prophets and the blessing it is to have a person to guide the church in this day. One part I liked alot in the book was a story about Hyrum Smith and Brigham Young. I'm just gonna copy paste the section becuase it's in gospel library too and I don't want to summarize :)

Brigham could see that Hyrum’s and William’s actions exhausted Joseph. One Sunday, as Brigham finished his evening chores, Joseph arrived unexpectedly at his door. “I want you to go to my house and preach,” Joseph said.
Normally Brigham enjoyed meeting with the Saints, but he knew Hyrum would be preaching that evening as well. “I would rather not go,” he said.

“Brother Brigham,” Joseph insisted, “if you do not go with me, I will not go home to my house tonight.”
Reluctantly, Brigham agreed to preach, and he walked home with the prophet. They found Hyrum standing beside the fireplace, speaking to a full house. He held the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants in his hand and declared that they were the law God had given them to build up His kingdom.
“Everything more than these,” Hyrum said, “is of man and is not of God.”
Brigham listened to Hyrum’s sermon, his emotions rising. Beside him, Joseph sat with his face buried in his hands. When Hyrum finished, Joseph nudged Brigham and said, “Get up.”
Brigham stood and picked up the scriptures Hyrum had set down. He laid the books in front of him, one by one, so everyone in the room could see. “I would not give the ashes of a rye straw for these three books,” he declared, “without the living oracles of God.” Lacking a latter-day prophet, he said, the Saints were no better off than they were before God revealed the gospel through Joseph Smith.
When he finished, Brigham could tell his sermon had moved Hyrum. Rising to his feet, Hyrum humbly asked the Saints to forgive him. Brigham was right, he said. As valuable as the scriptures were, they were no substitute for a living prophet.

OK so basicly we need Prophets. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is in reality the Restored church of Jesus Christ on the earth once more. I know this with out a doubt in my mind. Through the restored gosple of Jesus Christ we can return to live with God after we leave this earth. We can be with our families forever in eternity. Thats my goal, and I know that my Heavenly Father wants me to achieve that goal too. That is why we were sent to this earth and I know I'm going to do all I can to fulfull that puropse and help as many people as I can along the way. It's why I am serving a mission and why I'm so happy all the time.
Love you all, I'll try to send pictures to the drive, if I remember, which means probably not, but mabye,
Elder Crenshaw :)

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