Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Mission Email Weeks 4-5 - Home MTC, Woodstock IL

 Hi everyone! sorry I didn't write last week, I'll summarize both weeks in this one :)

We finally got our travel plans! I'm going to Medellin, Colombia on the 7th. The whole district is flying from where they live to Miami Florida and then we are all going on the same flight to Medellin. I'm glad that I can see the rest of the district before we go to different areas in the mission. My Spanish is improving a lot but I don't know how much I'll actually be able to understand once I get there. Last week we started doing some group classes/workshops with the Latino missionaries and they talk really fast. I can get the general Idea of what they say but I'm not fast enough to catch all the details. It's ok though.

In class we do a lot of practicing teaching the lessons and a lot of spanish grammar practice. I made Quizlets for all the words in the lessons in our Spanish Intermediate Core book. It took a while to type them all into a spreadsheet because there's a lot of words. all together I've made over 2000 flashcards and typed over 7000 words :O All the elders in my district have been using them a lot and It helped me to learn all the words better so I think it was worth it.

I have been going to the temple every week on P-day and that's been really cool. Today we were going to do Initiatories, Endowments, and Sealings but they needed help with the baptisms and confirmations suddenly so I got to do those as well so I did all the ordinances today.

All of the days we are in class are very similar which makes it hard to describe them well but I liked what my companion wrote to summarize our classes so I'm going to steal it from him.
Epistle of Elder Leatham
And it came to pass that Elder Leatham the Misionero looked upon the screen all the day long. And he did look upon the screen for 6 days and he said to himself in his mind. "This is good." He labored with all his might to learn the language, and it slowly came. 

This is the end of the Epistle of Elder Leatham

My Aunt Teresa is putting all these emails and pictures on a blog thingy so people can see everything at once so check that out! 

I don't know when my P-day will be when I get to Colombia so It might be almost 2 weeks before I can write again, we will see.

here are some random pictures from MTC

there's a google folder as well, I think you can find it in the last email or on the blog thing :D


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